10th Biennial Meeting

on Microbial Carbohydrates

September 17-20, 2024, Krzyżowa, Poland

Important Notice

Sep 16, 2024 – The Conference has been canceled! Emergency Update

Please stay tuned for the upcoming detailed info.

Important Announcement from the Organizers

We have a critical flood situation in the lower Silesia and the Southern Poland area. We were notified that the International Conference Center in Krzyżowa – our Conference Venue – had been evacuated. Although Wroclaw has not been directly affected so far, the situation is changing rapidly, and we are coming under the flood alert now.

Therefore, considering Your safety and taking into account the overall situation, the Local Organizing Committee has decided to cancel the event at this time.

The Committee has also chosen not to replace the planned event with a virtual conference, due to the character of the conference itself, as it is primarily intended to enhance personal interactions.

Therefore, in cooperation with the International Scientific Committee, we will find the most convenient place and time in or around Wrocław city to bring the BMMC 2024 back to life.

Shortly, we will contact all the registered participants, regarding the refunds of the conference fee. We are also aware of your disappointment and problems with cancelling your tickets. We will do our best to compensate this by higher financial support of your attendance of the future meeting (travel grants, lower fee etc.) when it is finally re-scheduled.

The Local Organizing Committee

Special Issue of Carbohydrate Polymers

The Organizers are proud to announce that a Special Issue of Carbohydrate Polymers (latest IF 10.7 from JCR) will be dedicated to 10th BMMC 2024.  Participants are welcome to contribute to this Special Issue, both Regular and Review articles will be accepted.

The Biennial Meeting on Microbial Carbohydrates in a nutshell

The 10th Biennial Meeting on Microbial Carbohydrates (BMMC) conference continues the long-standing tradition of regular meetings of the international scientific community interested in the microbial glycans in terms of chemical analysis of their structures, synthesis and biosynthesis, carbohydrate biochemistry, intermolecular interactions and biological activity.
The lectures and communications presented cover a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, archaeons and microalgae. Major topics dealt with include important healthcare issues such as infectious diseases and vaccination. The overall message is complemented by reports on the latest analytical methods, bioinformatics and databases that provide indispensable support for glycan research. The conference dates back to 1988. It has evolved from the early Baltic Meeting, and its reach has since expanded geographically far beyond the first three countries involved.
The Scientific Committee comprises distinguished researchers in the glycobiology community, the research teams’ leaders from Austria, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Italy, and Poland, representing the wide gamut of subjects in the carbohydrate chemistry and glycobiology. The conference aims to integrate research teams and to encourage the participation of PhD students and researchers from all over the world. Frequently, the conference engagement and presentations have resulted in successful collaborations, post-doctoral positions or joint projects and publications. After 20 years, the Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Wrocław has the privilege to be once again the organizer of the conference.

Keynote Speakers

Cristina De Castro

Professor at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Napoli Federico II,
Complesso Universitario Monte Santangelo, Napoli, Italy

Antonio Molinaro

Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
& Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Osaka University, Japan

Chris Whitfield

Professor at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.

Robert J. Woods

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Georgia, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, USA.

Jeroen Codee

Professor of Organic Chemistry
at the Leiden University, The Netherlands



Valid from June 15, 2024

Room type:

  single  |  double

Regular Participants

€650 | €600

Young Participants (under 35 years old)

€550 | €500

Accompanying Person

€600 | €550


Early birdExpired

Valid until June 14, 2024

Room type:

single  |  double

Regular Participants

€600 | €550

Young Participants (under 35 years old)

€500 | €450

Accompanying Person

€550 | €500



Registration fee covers:

  • Accommodation & access to all Scientific Sessions,
  • Conference bag & accessories, and conference materials
  • All breakfasts, lunches and coffee breaks,
  • The Get-together dinner, Outdoor barbecue and Gala Dinner
  • Bus Transfers of Attendees & Guests between Wrocław & Krzyżowa – the Conference Venue

Accommodation is available in single or double rooms, and it can be selected at registration.

Payment Information

  • Payment of the registration fee will be accepted by way of Bank Transfer.
  • All prices include VAT.
  • Please ensure that BMMC2024 and the participant’s name are stated in the bank transfer.
  • Bank transfer details: Bank BGK/o Wrocław, SWIFT code: GOSKPLPW
    IBAN: PL38 1130 1033 0018 8181 8920 0053

Cancellation & Refund Policy

In case you need to cancel your Registration, you are kindly requested to notify the Organizers directly by e-mail sent to: bmmc2024@hirszfeld.pl

  • Until July 27th 2024 – 20% will be withheld for administrative fees
  • From July 27th to Aug 26th 2025 – 50% of the Registration fee paid will be refunded
  • As of Aug 27th – no refund will be processed

Abstract Submission

The official language of the conference will be English. Abstracts may be contributed for oral communication and/or poster presentation. Organizers reserve the right to select the form of presentation.

Abstract submission deadline: Aug 31, 2024 Expired

Abstract Submission Information

  • Abstracts may be contributed for oral communications or poster presentations.
  • Registration of the presenting author is mandatory at the time of abstract submission.
  • Abstracts should be submitted along with the registration using the upload-function of the Registration Form.
  • Abstracts will be considered only if the guidelines are respected.
  • All presenting authors will be notified by June 14, 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • All abstracts should be prepared using the Abstract Submission Template: MS Office [docx], LibreOffice [odt]
  • The title, authors, affiliations, main body and references are mandatory fields. Tables and figures are optional – if present should be included in the text.
  • Abstracts should be submitted with the Registration Form file-upload tool. Accepted file formats: [docx], [odt] or pdf; Maximum file size: 1MB
  • A preferred form of presentation should be indicated in the abstract header.
  • Poster size: 90 cm (width) x 120 cm (hight)

BMMC 2024 Venue and Attractions


The International Conference Center
& Krzyżowa Village

The 10th BMMC will be held in Krzyżowa, a small village in the region of Lower Silesia, about 60 km to the south-west of Wrocław, near the town of Świdnica.
The conference venue follows the long-standing tradition of integrating chemists, glycobiologists and microbiologists away from the big cities. It combines a conference center with a hotel base. The horizon is overlooked by the massif of the Sowie Mountains and the mysterious Ślęża Mountain, as well as by farmland around Wrocław and the surrounding area.

Social Activities

Wednesday, Sep 18: An evening meal will be served during an outdoor barbecue & bonfires.

Thursday, Sep 19: An evening Reception & Gala dinner in the Restaurant ‘U Hrabiego’ followed by a dance party.

All participants are invited at no additional cost.

The City of Wrocław

We highly recommend a city tour of the old town and the riverside of Wrocław.

Meet the team

Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology & Experimental Therapy

Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław is a leading research center in immunology, experimental oncology, microbiology, immunochemistry, glycobiology and medicine – with a focus on diseases of civilization, new drugs and vaccines, as well as transplantology & regenerative medicine. The Hirszfeld Institute comprises 23 laboratories that cooperate closely with other integral entities: Medical Center which includes the Phage Therapy Center and the Laboratory of Tissue Immunology, the Polish Collection of Microorganisms, the Eukaryotic Cell Line Collection, and the NeoLek, the Innovative Medical Technologies Laboratory. The research activities are supported by the local Animal Facility, and Core Laboratories (i.a. NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, cytometry, TEM/SEM microscopy). In 2023 the Hirszfeld Institute was classified at the top category in medicine (A+) and in biology (A) among Polish academic institutions. It was ranked 5th among all Polish research institutes and universities according to the Scimago Institutions Rankings.
The institute was established in 1952 by the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor Ludwik Hirszfeld, a famous Polish immunologist and microbiologist, was the founding father and the first director.

Local Organizing Committee

Andrzej Gamian – Chair, Jolanta Łukasiewicz -Co-chair, Marta Kaszowska, Tomasz Niedziela, Anna Maciejewska, Wojciech Jachymek, Mariola Paściak, Sabina Górska,  Daria Artyszuk, Sabina Koj & Karolina Ucieklak


Laboratory of Microbial Immunochemistry & Vaccines, Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Laboratory of Microbiome Immunology,  Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology & Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences

International Scientific Committee

Katarzyna Duda (Germany), Cristina De Castro (Italy), Andrzej Gamian (Poland), Jolanta Łukasiewicz (Poland), Zbigniew Kaczyński (Poland), Stefan Oscarson (Ireland), Mikael Skurnik (Finland), Alla Zamyatina (Austria), Otto Holst, Honorary President of 10th BMMC (Germany)

Official Organizer

Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology & Experimental Therapy
Polish Academy of Sciences

ul. Rudolfa Weigla 12

PL-53-114 Wrocław

Contact us on all issues regarding BMMC2024

(+48) 71 337 11 72 or (+48) 71 370 99 27